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Press Release: Our Colour Is Rainbow. Stop Racism

For Immediate Release

Our Colour is Rainbow. Stop Racism

Osel Group was founded based on values Passion, Integrity, Courage and Compassion. Our principle is that healthcare is a right for all people, and not a privilege for just the fortunate. To that end, Osel Group sought to address health equity throughout the past decade. We recognize that the events unfolding globally now, and the inequities leading up to them, deeply impact our patients and their families as well as, our board members, staff, and their families. As such, we acknowledge and accept responsibility to the people we serve and employ to do our part to eliminate injustice and bias wherever we can.

Osel Group’s Board of Directors and staff stands in solidarity with the movement against rising hate crimes globally. From previously “Black lives Matter” movements, to rising “COVID Hate Crimes” lately, to senseless shootings in Georgia, USA, to the recent spate of events of attacks on elderly Asians in different parts of the world. Racial equality will only happen if we are willing to speak out against injustice wherever we encounter it. In the words of Martin Luther King, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

It’s Good Friday. Today presents a new opportunity for us to stand up both individually and collectively to take concrete steps to erase discrimination and biasness in our business relationships and in our communities. We will continue to embrace, practice and promote diversity and inclusion in everything we do to work towards creating a more equitable society.

Our colour is rainbow, together we can stop racism.

Dr. Kris See

Medical Director

Chief Clinical & Innovative Scientist

2nd April 2021

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